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HIGH Black Hooks Waist Trainer Shapewear Leggings Figure Slimmer - Snatch Bans
HIGH Black Hooks Waist Trainer Shapewear Leggings Figure Slimmer - Snatch Bans
HIGH Black Hooks Waist Trainer Shapewear Leggings Figure Slimmer - Snatch Bans
HIGH Black Hooks Waist Trainer Shapewear Leggings Figure Slimmer - Snatch Bans
HIGH Black Hooks Waist Trainer Shapewear Leggings Figure Slimmer - Snatch Bans
HIGH Black Hooks Waist Trainer Shapewear Leggings Figure Slimmer - Snatch Bans

Amazing HIGH Black Hooks Waist Trainer Shapewear Leggings Figure Slimmer HIGH/94

Regular price $69.99 USD
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The Black Hooks Waist Trainer Shapewear Leggings Figure Slimmer could help you lose your weight, and let you have a healthy body.

It Features:

1. Hook-and-eye closure is easy for on/off, and more security;
2. High-waisted leggings with an anti-slip strip for a stay-put fit;
3. High-elastic fabric provides a stretchy fit on your leg;
4. Double-layered elastic fabric for the effect of tummy control, leg trimming, butt lifting, and body contouring.

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